
My Games

Bat Bots is a love letter game to arcade classics like Duck Hunt and Space Invaders. It is an arcade shooter that can be played solo, cooperatively or competitively.

I was involved in its development by adding multiplayer and the achievements system to the original prototype. In addition to that, I helped refine the AI movement to improve collision avoidance and implemented our data pipeline to collect play session analytics that helped us shape and balance our game.

I also composed the music we used for our old trailer, helped write the content for our devlogs and created several of the sound effects in the game.

It can currently be wishlisted on Steam, please do so!

Bat Bots

A tribute to the classics

Between Root and Bough

An approachable, cozy puzzle game

Between Root and Bough is a 3D puzzle game developed in Unity where you must combine and split with the slimes that make up the world in order to match the color of the gates that block your path. This game was developed as an approachable, cozy experience that was friendly for people who have little previous gaming experience.

My role in the team was centered around gameplay development. My focus was on the development of the camera and input, along with optimizing the performance of the system that populates the split UI.

Satire and critique from a place of love

This is a game made for our rapid prototyping course at RIT. We designed it as a response to a prompt to make a game with meaningful play.

As a team, we decided to touch on a subject that is very personal - the process of trying to find a job as students and aspiring developers. We love this industry and want to be a part of it, but the application process to jobs - especially with the advent of AI in the recruitment process - is one that feels opaque and was a subject we wanted to explore and share through gameplay.

My role in this game was the design and implementation of the skill development system and the AI grader that evaluates job applications. In addition to that, I developed the action cost system and made it extensible to harnessed as necessary by the UI.

The source code for our game can be found here.

Apply to the Industry Simulator 2024

This is a platformer made for a prototyping course at RIT by a team of five people, including myself. We produced this prototype in 3 weeks.

What's special about it is that the tower rotates as the player moves, keeping the protagonist sprite centered on screen while giving the feel the world rotates in response to player actions

My major contributions to this project were the character and enemy designs and animations along with the behavior of the enemy AI. The code for the game can be found in this repository.

Twisted Spire

Mixing 2D and 3D

This game was made for a Game Development Processes class at the RIT MS in Game Design and Development program. It was a group project developed in Unity. My contributions to it were the design and implementation of the card-battle mini-game used for interrogating suspects. I designed and implemented the rule system, AI opponent, layout of the game elements, their animations and the integration with our dialogue system. I also proposed and implemented automated testing to improve code quality and test the behavior of the AI opponent.

This is the repository for our code, though my main contributions can be found in this specific section.

Detective's Gambit

A murder-mystery with a card-battle component

The Dark Maze - A web browser microgame

I developed a prototype of this game as a project to learn front end web development and the use of the Canvas element in HTML. I liked the minimalist look and have kept it, to keep the focus on what the game tries to communicate.

It was also meant as a tribute to my wife, who supported me in pursuing my career pivot from Psychology to software development.

It can be played on The source code can be found here.

A game about finding a way out of darkness